What makes people who want to sell on the Internet think about how they will get the payment for the product or service they sell. Today, it is easy to sell online as a company, while a number of obstacles in front of those who do not have a company are overcome in various ways. While it is possible to sell without establishing a company by wire transfer and EFT methods, payments can be easily obtained to non-company members, especially thanks to the virtual pos interfaces given by the central bank of the Republic of Turkey approved payment receiving companies.

You can sell online using different media. There are dozens of known methods. However, in order to pay for your sales through social media by setting up your own e-commerce site or through social media, providing virtual pos service will prevent your customer and you from having trouble at the checkout point.
Although it is impossible to get virtual pos from banks without the company, it is possible to get such an opportunity through payment companies. In exchange for certain commissions, you can use the pos that you will receive from these companies to pay for sales you will make online without the company. When you meet the payment terms written in the contract terms of the company that provides you with pos service, it is possible to receive your payment within the specified period.
Another point that should be considered here is that you can find monthly and annual fees for the pos services offered by these companies, and you already have to pay commission. These companies, which usually work for commission, determine different commission rates based on the transaction. In proportion to these rates, it deducts certain rates from you from your sales.Which is in keeping with the usual course of life. Ultimately, you are offered the service to receive your payments.
Although the payment you will receive from the sales made will be made by transferring directly to the customer's bank account, it also happens in this way. Even receiving payments via virtual pos method will help you gain trust in the eyes of the customer as well as being a sign of professionalism.

Ultimately, since the subject matter is based on a commercial gain, it will be normal to have some doubts about whether it is reliable when you receive pos service here. Many people are hesitant about whether they will get paid. However, since the virtual pos service you will receive from payment receiving companies approved by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey is a system and company that has been approved by the state after all, it is unlikely that you will have problems.
You will put the SSL certificates on your payment page also help you to give confidence to the customer in this regard. At the same time, it wants this certificate to be available in organizations that will provide you with virtual pos service. This service, which is usually provided to companies, can also be provided by some of the receiving organizations for those who want to sell without establishing a company. Although not every company, you can contact the companies that provide it.
In addition, sales can be made through marketplaces and similar websites without establishing companies in various ways.


Esnek Pos, Elekse, Virtual Pos